夏若青 [研究生]

I have designed 5 pieces , They comment on the themes of war, peace and the hope of Afghanistan people and suffering of women.
Through these pieces I want to explain how war has changed Afghanistan and how it affected on people specially on women.
1-Love me: Women in Afghanistan women are the innocent group and they have suffered through along time, This poster is showing a beautiful woman which is trapped among old tradition
And she is tired of hatred and violence, she is asking for love and caring and justice.
2-Stop war stop war, this poster shows the woman which is looking very hopeless and tired of the war and killing innocent people, she just hope the war to be stop and no one should be suffer anymore.
3-Love & peace: successive wars in Afghanistan has disappointed all the Afghan people, but still they are hopes for peace and unity, women are the most harmful from this situation, most of them cannot get the opportunity the get educated, to have jobs, they are tired of this bad situation and they want peace and justice.
4-Stop war: this poster shows the slogan against the war in Afghanistan.
We still hope one day we could also have a peaceful Afghanistan like other countries.
5-Love & Peace: this poster is all about love and peace that we hope for.
Note : The patterns are a re-design of Afghanistan tradition crafts, which I was working on it from before and successfully I have re-design some of the old patterns and make them to look more modern and beautiful. If you look closer to the posters, you will fine the doves of peace and gun of violence and hidden messages like stop war stop war.
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